

When I am chasing around my kids all day...all I want to do is sit, but now that I've sat for about 4 days all I want to do is run and play (if i felt good). I had a tiny procedure on thursday...nothing horrific, so I've been OUT. This is the first time I've been away from my kids, minus date night. I stayed up too late last night thinking I could sleep in, that was stupid to say the least. Dave has been taking care of me. I am glad to have him. we watched lots of movies and this show...it was oh so funny--especially "ruprecht"

I've also had a slight obsession with friday night lights(oh i love that "tami & coach taylor")...{plus they have a good music too} It's taken quite a twist since the first season:0) I don't normally sit with my computer all day watching shows...but hey I've got an excuse:)

It will be back to normal life in a couple of days. I miss my kids. It's good to take an extended siesta every now and again.